Tokay gecko

Gekko gecko

Like most gecko species, tokay geckos have a voice! Unlike most other reptiles, many geckos are able to vocalize - they can make noises with their vocal cords. These sounds are mostly squeaks and chirps but the tokay gecko has a very distinctive call it makes when threatened, which sounds like a short, high bark! This has earned them the nickname of barking gecko.

Tokay geckos are one of the largest species of geckos in the world and can be more than 12 inches long! Their skin is soft compared to most other reptiles, and they are typically bluish grey with reddish spots along their back which helps them blend in to the back on the trees where they live throughout South East Asia. Don’t forget to check out those toes! Geckos have many tiny ridges on each toe pad, this extra surface area allows them to take advantage of a natural phenomenon knows as Van Der Waals forces. This physical force is what allows them to climb and stick to so many different surfaces.